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attr.offset : 0, offsettop : $(elm).offset().top, hei : $(elm).height(), horizontal : attr.horizontal ? attr.horizontal : 0, top : 0, left : 0, speedx : attr.speedx ? attr.speedx : 1, speedy : attr.speedy ? attr.speedy : 1, percentage :attr.percentage ? attr.percentage : 0 }); }, scroll : function(){ var scrolltoptmp = document.documentelement.scrolltop || document.body.scrolltop; this.scrolltop = document.documentelement.scrolltop || document.body.scrolltop; var offsetbottom = this.scrolltop + this.windowheight; if(this.settings.parent_move){ this.wrapperupdate(this.scrolltop); } for (var i = 0; i < this.targets.length; i++) { this.targetsupdate(this.targets[i]); } }, animate : function(){ this.scroll(); this.scrollid = requestanimationframe(this.animate.bind(this)); }, wrapperupdate : function(){ this.wapperoffset += (this.scrolltop - this.wapperoffset) * this.settings.wrapperspeed; this.wrapper.style.transform = 'translate3d(' + 0 + ',' + math.round(-this.wapperoffset* 100) / 100 + 'px ,' + 0 + ')'; }, targetsupdate : function(target){ var wh = $(window).height(); target.offsettop = $(target.elm).offset().top; target.top += ((this.scrolltop - target.offsettop + (wh-target.hei)/2) * number(this.settings.targetspeed) * number(target.speedy) - target.top) * this.settings.targetpercentage; target.left += ((this.scrolltop - target.offsettop + (wh-target.hei)/2) * number(this.settings.targetspeed) * number(target.speedx) - target.left) * this.settings.targetpercentage; var targetoffsettop = ( parseint(target.percentage) - target.top - parseint(target.offset) ); var offsety = math.round(targetoffsettop * -100) / 100; var offsetx = 0; if(target.horizontal){ var targetoffsetleft = ( parseint(target.percentage) - target.left - parseint(target.offset) ); offsetx = math.round(targetoffsetleft * -100) / 100; } if(this.settings.bgparallax){ if(target.horizontal){ $(target.elm).css({backgroundposition: offsetx +'px 50%'}); }else{ $(target.elm).css({backgroundposition: '50% ' + offsety + 'px'}); } }else{ target.elm.style.transform = 'translate3d(' + offsetx + 'px ,' + offsety + 'px ,' + 0 +')'; } }, resize: function(){ var self = this; self.windowheight = (window.innerheight || document.documentelement.clientheight || 0); if( parseint(self.wrapper.clientheight) != parseint(document.body.style.height)){ document.body.style.height = self.wrapper.clientheight + 'px'; } self.resizeid = requestanimationframe(self.resize.bind(self)); }, attachevent : function(){ var self = this; window.addeventlistener('resize',(function(){ if(!self.isresize){ cancelanimationframe(self.resizeid); cancelanimationframe(self.scrollid); self.isresize = true; settimeout((function(){ self.isresize = false; self.resizeid = requestanimationframe(self.resize.bind(self)); self.scrollid = requestanimationframe(self.animate.bind(self)); }),200); } })); } }; if(!self.wx){ window.scrolly = new scrolly(); return scrolly; } } }; window._base = new tfn(); })(jquery, window, document); _base.init();